1.30.25 – Charles Elwood – Microsoft AI MVP & Founder of SolisMatica LLC
January 30 @ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
SPEAKER: Charles Elwood – Microsoft AI MVP & Founder of SolisMatica LLC
SPEAKER TOPIC: Advancing Michigan with AI and Giving a Voice to the Voiceless
Charles Elwood, a Microsoft AI MVP, has a story that’s anything but artificial.
With roots in South Dakota to his tech-savvy life in Michigan, Charles’s journey is a blend of innovation, cutting-edge technology and a passion for AI. From aspiring Power BI MVP to influential AI leader, Charles showcases the transformative power of technology and the importance of adaptability. As founder of SolisMatica, specializing in advanced AI solutions that allow clients to securely interact with their own data through intuitive chat interfaces, Charles’s contributions are directly aligned to the vision of making Michigan a nexus for technological advancement and a prime destination for global AI-driven education.
Now, he’s revolutionizing education and envisioning how AI is helping to create a more inclusive society.
What exactly is a Microsoft AI MVP and how did you become one?
A Microsoft AI MVP (Most Valuable Professional) is a recognition given to exceptional, independent community leaders who share their passion, technical expertise, and real-world knowledge of Microsoft products with others. About three years ago, I was deeply involved with Power BI (Business Intelligence) and wanted to be a Power BI MVP. During this hackathon I was participating in, I developed a project using AI to monitor rooms of people and read their body language. This innovative approach led my team at Microsoft to nominate me for the AI MVP award instead. Initially, I didn’t realize its significance, but as AI continues to grow in importance across various industries, this recognition now means a lot more to me.