11.28.24 – NO LUNCHEON – Thanksgiving Holiday Observance
There will be no luncheon on Thursday, November 28th in observance of Thanksgiving.
There will be no luncheon on Thursday, November 28th in observance of Thanksgiving.
The Community Engagement Committee is excited to present our annual Senior Neighbors Holiday Luncheon which impacts over 160+ seniors in our community! Please note there are 2 separate locations (Aquinas & The Storehouse) for volunteer activities taking place at the same time, see below to sign up: Date: Tuesday, December 3 Time: 4:00 - 6:00…
The Community Engagement Committee is excited to present our annual Senior Neighbors Holiday Luncheon which serves meals impact over 160+ seniors in our community! Date: Wednesday, December 4 Time: 10:00 am - 2:30 pm Location: Aquinas College, Donnelly Conference Center - 157 Woodward Ln SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Volunteers: 30 needed Rotary…
UPDATE: This event has been postponed to a later date due to inclement weather conditions. Join us for our December Club 77 at the Brookby House on the campus of Aquinas College! ADDRESS: 250 Plymouth Rd SE, East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 TIME: 4:30 - 6:00 PM
Speaker: Grace Gavin - Co-Founder, Know Honesty Speaker Topic: Solving Every Team's # 1 Problem: Communication Bio: Grace is an open and honest expert, helping leaders simplify their communication and eliminate the divides that exist within organizations. As co-founder of Know Honesty, she guides people towards becoming masterful communicators day in and day out. Having…
Join us for our annual fun-filled Holiday Luncheon Celebration on December 19th! The Rotary Band "Twice December" and other entertainment will promise to make this luncheon a blast!
There will be no luncheon on December 26th in observance of the Christmas holiday.
Happy New Year! There will be no luncheon on January 2nd in observance of the New Year's holiday.
Join us for the annual President’s Open House hosted by President Eunice Lopez-Martin at the home of Rotarian Paula Jastifer! Address available on upcoming Weekly Updates!
Join us for our annual Club Update meeting. President Eunice Lopez-Martin will present club updates and committee co-chairs will give updates and information on engaging as a Rotarian!